I write about the things I believe.


Reporting from

the intersection of things seen and unseen…


What I'm Up To:


Stop, in the name of Love?

Read samples of “How I Kept the Faith”

It started as a theology blog, and is growing into a book:

Hear my appearance on U2-X radio’s “Desire”…

U2 5 Songs I Desire Most
Kelly (Teaneck, NJ)

Listen to my conversation with St. Vincent on Beats1:

St. Vincent's Mixtape Delivery Service
St Vincent & Kelly Wilson

Read my article, “Branding Jesus” in Covenant Magazine

He may get us, but do they “get” Him?

Learn the story of the Trinity Church Guitar…


Featured Writing


Featured Article: A Modern Revelation

This just might be my Damascus Road moment.



Radically welcoming “Evangelical Refugees” of every race, culture, and background. Written for Episcopal Cafe Magazine.

From my journal:



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